Community-Led Development Projects

Agricultural Development

Supporting economic opportunities through agricultural development

The presence of explosive ordnance not only impacts the immediate safety of children and families, but also limits economic growth and employment opportunities, especially for members of the Tà Ôi, Vân Kiều, Pa Ko and Chứt ethnic minority groups of Quảng Trị and Quảng Bình, many of whom rely on subsistence farming for their livelihoods. In Quảng Bình Province, 46 percent of the economy is based in the agricultural sector, and in Quảng Trị Province, 55 percent of the population work as farmers. In a predominantly agricultural society, farmers—reliant upon land that is still contaminated with unexploded bombs and mines—risk their lives every day to provide for their families. 

That’s why the first step in PeaceTrees agricultural development projects is to ensure that land is safe. Once EOD technicians have safely cleared the land of bombs and mines, PeaceTrees works alongside communities to provide meaningful support for sustainable agricultural development projects.

PeaceTrees’ economic development programs have included micro-credit funding and support for families to begin black pepper farms, and healthy garden programs to improve nutrition and enable participating women to sell vegetables at the market. PeaceTrees’ approach ensures meaningful collaboration with community members, so that programs remain adaptive and responsive to local priorities and needs. 

Agricultural Development Projects

  • mcknight group
  • Fran's Chocolate
  • State Dept
  • Sahale
  • PerkinsCoie
  • Flying Good Group
  • Chateau St. Michelle
  • Chinoise
  • Olde Thompson
  • Prolumina
  • Columbia Bank
  • Lustre Cal
  • Red Boat Fish Sauce
  • Veterans for Peace
  • Louisa Davis Properties