Kindergartens and Libraries

About the Cua Village Kindergarten

Completed: January, 2021

Project Donors: Jeff Shumway and Lake Forrest Park Rotary 

The Cua Village Kindergarten is currently being built in Cua Village of Huong Tan commune, Huong Hoa District. Within the commune, there are 7 villages, 800 households, and 3,517 people. 65% of the population identify as Van Kieu/Paco ethnic minority. Cua village has 67 kindergarten-age children. Only 35 of these children have attended kindergarten in the village’s current degraded kindergarten classroom that is no longer safe or adequate for use. 32 children have not received any kindergarten education. Currently, these children do not have access to an adequate classroom, playground, restroom, or equipment for early childhood education.

From a developmental perspective, kindergarten age children in Cua village would benefit intellectually and physically from the construction of a kindergarten in the village. The construction of a two classroom kindergarten will allow those currently attending school to receive their education in a safe environment, and will allow those who have never been to school to access early childhood education. This new two room classroom will accommodate all 67 kindergarten-age children. One of the classrooms will be for children aged 3-4 and the other classroom will be for 5-year-old children.


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